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Thursday 4 August 2011


不生活在中文世界里 有时候感觉很落伍 今晚违背常理的上了一下下新浪 就发现了一个足以让我心碎的新闻 张柏芝和谢霆锋真的离婚了 我不管以前是炒作也好 假情做作也好 我都宁愿相信它是真的 不过现在想想 如果相信当时是真 那现在岂不是更加可笑?

我的生活里本来就欠缺童话般的爱情 唯一一段真挚的感情还是我自己一点一点堆积起来的 但是最后还是稀里哗啦地碎掉 所以张柏芝和谢霆锋的感情就像一团火一样 每次让我想起来都觉得很热很真挚 可惜现在看起来 只不过是马戏团和装潢家运用的假道具一样  让人反感 以前 我还会对他们俩之间的事情有一些观点 比如 张柏芝真的好爱小孩子啊 谢霆锋真的好男人啊 现在 看到那么多照片也好 报道也好 我都生不成一丁点看法 因为我再也不相信这些乱七八糟的新闻 更不相信 一个演艺圈人说的话 如果一个人 活生生的人 可以生活在谎言和以家庭为代价的娱乐炒作之中 那其实 我不把他看作一个值得我投之以看法的对象 想一想 在他们以后的日子里 以后所有的日子里 对方都不会完全消失 就算离了婚 分了居 报道还是在 这些阴影永远都走不开 这样的玩闹 结果是一辈子的纠缠 所以整件事情 我觉得就是一个笑话

然后 我想到 舅舅和新姨 这对曾经对抗着姥姥的反对走过来的夫妻 也就这么完结了 以前每次听他们说离婚 我都一笑了之 因为觉得他们就像张柏芝和谢霆锋讲离婚一样 是炒作 为引起大家的注意 没想到现在这个狼来的故事真的发生了 我突然觉得很伤心 也有点手足无措 不知道该用什么样的感情对待这件事情 也许 永久的爱情真的不存在

这就是为什么我不相信天长地久 不相信白头偕老的爱情 相信的人 只是因为他们选择相信 选择让自己有希望 更开心 我不知道这些人看到张柏芝谢霆锋离婚是什么感想 心中的信念是不是为之一振 是震碎了 还是震得更坚固了 总之我得知舅舅和新姨离婚了之后 是震碎了

Everything is JUST A dream.

Since 7 o'clock, 16th, June, 2011, I came into a dream, a dream that could exhaust me, hurt me and even kill me. Now I am in the state that can realize this is a dream, but still can't get myself out of it. Yesterday was really cold here in São Carlos, I suddenly thought that oh geeze, maybe England is reminding me that Hey Baby, you are still there. Maybe I didn't close the window when I fell asleep in my tiny bedroom, and now Manchester is blowing its wind to tell me that. Bad... really bad. Sometimes a little thing can ruin a whole wonderful dream and I seriously hate that.

I don't know when I became such a pussy, but ever since I could fall in love, I told myself not to. Always fall for it after him. that's a thing to remember. But life is funny, it always goes against you. whatever you think, whatever you want to do, the opposite happens. Isn't it a pathetic point of my life to cry on?

I can sense that the same thing's gonna happen again. I will be happy, absorbed, expecting the same effort and passion and BONG! Even if I think it should be 6, not even 10, it will turn out to be 3. I guess that's why my standard is never low.

Please don't blame me on not carrying hope any more. It's only because of the pessimistic mentality that I have, or is it because the whole world is like this?

Tell me is only because of me.