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Monday 11 July 2011

有些人一下子就忘掉了 有些人要耗掉你好久好久

A lot of people tried to create a strategy for love. Some people wrote the 10 ways to be successful in a relationship or How To Get Over Somebody. To me, they are ridiculous. I haven't had enough boyfriends before to summarize this kind of things, but I do know that it all depends on the person and the time and the yourself.

There is someone that I know for 6 years and has been together with for 2 years and the love just suddenly disappeared. There is someone that I have gone out with for less than 5 times and I wasted 1 year forgetting him. Today should be the day to remember this. You never know how the next person will be and how your relationship will end up like.

I watched TED today and in the one The 3 Things I Learned While My Plane Crashed, Eric said imagine you would die the next moment, what would you regret about? The talks that you should have with your parents, the adventures that you always want to join, the person that you dare not to ask out and confess your love. I would go for all of them. I am a chicken and I always back out when I feel the danger of relationship. Not for hurting myself but my self-esteem. The thing is you never know how it goes like unless you give a shot at it.

Today I am gonna make a list of things that I always want to do but never did, especially the people that I dare not to say I like you.

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